Secure website This Web site is secured with a state-of-the-art SSL Web Server Certificate. Transactions on the site are protected with 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer encryption.

When providing credit card information always check that the URL in your browser's address bar begins with https:// (note the 's' after 'http'). It insures that you are on a secured and protected server. All our credit card forms use this secure form of communication.

In addition to checking the URL address bar, look for a lock icon on the bottom left or right of your browser.

Passwords Never, ever share your password with anyone. We will NEVER ask you for your Password. If you believe someone else has gotten access to your password, please change it immediately and Contact Us.

Select a password that is easy to remember, but hard to figure out. One good way to create a secure password is to choose a phrase of two or three words and add a 2 or 3 digit number to the end of the phrase. Avoid choosing obvious words or dates such as a nickname or birthdate. It is always a good idea to mix numbers with letters when choosing your password.

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